this is embarassing.
i'm the less-than-proud new owner of a blog. this blog. the one you are reading right now.
for some reason, i've got it into my purdy little head that i wanted a blog.
these words that you are reading are the results of that poor reasoning.
in a land of office desk sitters facing keyboards and monitors, the online world of communication trumps most face to face contact. this is sad. but this is how it be. i already have a flickr and a myspace and a facebook. i even still have a friendster. and there's gchat and aim and ichat. and about 5 or so different email accounts, which is completely unnecessary. however, for more lengthy rhetoric, this seemed like the best venue.
my mission statement is to utilize this time suck for:
- daily musings
- art [aht]
- musica
- style and fashion
- bragging
- current events
- not-so-current events
- lists
- diagrams
- charts
- photographs
- links to other time sucks on the internerd
- food related items
- cinematic viewings
- etc etc etc